After each home cleaning you do, you are bound to come across some items that you have no longer use for, and you might wonder what to do with them. But wait, don’t think about rubbish bins just yet! That is the advantage of doing the domestic cleaning yourself instead of hiring cleaning agencies – you get to keep all the clutter. Many things can be repurposed into something else and you can use, and you don’t need professionals to do it – you can simply do it yourself. So next time you go house cleaning, pile up all the supposed clutter and use your imagination – what can you make of any object so that you can make it useful?

Shabby Crates


wooden cratesWooden crates are abundant in any house’s cellar, basement or attic. And while they do look useless, they are actually among the easiest items to be remade into a much, much more useful tool. For instance, you can nail a few of them one atop another and create a shelf for your books, decorations, candles, and other items. You can be creative and repaint them and polish them however you want, stick a few into a proper order and make a console stand for different appliances, or one for your video game consoles. Pick sturdier boxes and you can but the TV on top as well! And if nothing else works for you, they are still containers and containers will always have their uses. You can always place plastic bags inside and turn them into recycle bins to organise your rubbish.

Old Tyres

old tyres

Tyres can have plenty of functions as well, and you will rarely run out of options. If you have a yard, you can make a swing for your kid, or paint and order them in the garden as planters or fences. If you have the patience and diligence to cut them up, you can make plenty of things with the material – hats, coverings, even upholstery! Imagine how easy upholstery cleaning can be with a rubber surface. And if you don’t like any of these ideas, and you have enough tyres, then how about just placing them in one part of your garden and making your own obstacle course.


recycled diy old cds

If you have ever owned a stereo system, then you will definitely stumble upon numerous forgotten or dysfunctional CDs and DVDs. They are not rubbish as well. At the very least you can use them as coasters. And they may not be practical otherwise, but they can sure help you if you want to decorate the house. Cut discs can be reordered into mosaic patterns which can adorn your mirrors or walls, or scattered anywhere else into combinations to entertain and shock your guests. Or string them together and creates shapes or hanging decorations. The options for decorations that discs can provide are limitless.



So don’t immediately think to throw out every single item you pull out of your attic or call the house clearance company. There are so many things you can do, and only your imagination can stop you of thinking of new ways to use something.